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ConnectWise Acquiring HTG – Top 3 Things Vendors Should Know

ConnectWise acquiring HTG is significant to Forza because we have been an HTG member for over 10 years now. Moreover, the company is a facilitator for three years of that decade. We advocate HTG since we believe in peer-to-peer networking. Furthermore, Forza is a partner of ConnectWise for more than 12 years, developing and creating a product for internal use. We eventually brought to market our product called CWDash by giving it away with advertising.


About ConnectWise Acquiring HTG


Seeing the picture as a whole, the acquisition of HTG by ConnectWise has a significant effect on the industry. ConnectWise made the acquisition announcement, which industry players see as more business opportunities. HTG is a company that offers extensive peer-to-peer networks and business coaching. Interestingly, integrating with the ConnectWise ecosystem increases more potentials for technology solution providers.


There is no disclosure of the acquisition details but it is important to note the relationship between the companies. Ever since 2008, ConnectWise and HTG had a crucial relationship that went on for years. In terms of the business profile, HTG services 500 different companies from New Zealand, North America, Europe, and Australia.  Besides, there are over 600 employees under their management with more than 50 business events and meetings conducted annually.


On the other hand, the ConnectWise ecosystem is an equally large and far-reaching one with over 130,000 users. The company serves 21,000 businesses, which are spread in 50 different countries around the world.


Top 3 Things Vendors Should Know


There are important things that vendors should know, following the acquisition of HTG by ConnectWise:


  1. The HTG business unit is a new department of ConnectWise. However, the unit will maintain its existing head, Arlin Sorenson. The merger is a result of a long-term strategic partnership between the two companies and not a total makeover. Because of this, there will be continuity in the operation particularly retaining HTG’s exec.


  1. ConnectWise pledges its full commitment to its existing programs while eyeing investments in the expansion of its services. Offering HTG as one of its new services is a concrete plan, which has resulted from the acquisition. The acquisition will be beneficial for customers because of better service diversity. For instance, there will be increased customer training, consulting, coaching, education, and peer offers.


  1. HTG members will not be forced to embrace and use additional offerings from ConnectWise. The success and well-being of the members are still top priority despite the acquisition. Thus, HTG members have the freedom to choose whether to stay with their existing service or add more.


There are questions about whether this acquisition should concern vendors or not. Although it is nothing to worry about, vendors should know the interests of their MSP partners for their business growth. Vendors that are 100% channel focus on their services and solutions, which mutually benefit them and partners.


ConnectWise acquiring HTG is another milestone in the MSP and TSP industry as it merges two powerful companies. Consequently, the combination of business solutions and coaching creates a successful ecosystem for all industry players and members.

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