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Unleashing the Power of Hyperautomation: A Recap of ConnectWise’s Automation Nation Event

This week, MSPs from across the country gathered in Tampa, FL, for Automation Nation, a premier event hosted by ConnectWise at their world headquarters. Taking place over two exciting days—September 9 and 10, 2024—the event provided invaluable insights into the latest trends and technologies in hyperautomation. With presentations, interactive labs, and even a hackathon, the event empowered managed service providers (MSPs) to dive deeper into automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and related innovations, all of which are shaping the future of IT services.

Day 1 Highlights: Building the Foundations of Automation

The event kicked off with a keynote from Os Haque, VP of Product Management at ConnectWise and the host of this inspiring gathering. Haque emphasized the critical importance of hyperautomation—an integrated approach that blends RPA (Robotic Process Automation), AI, and other advanced technologies to automate complex workflows. Haque’s vast experience in automation and AI made him an ideal guide for MSPs eager to enhance their service offerings.

Throughout the first day, attendees engaged in labs designed to sharpen their skills, with sessions like “Building Workflows” and best practices for RPA. Automation tools and methodologies were broken down, enabling MSPs to optimize efficiency in ways they had not previously imagined.

Brian Troy, Senior Director of Product Marketing at ConnectWise, also delivered crucial insights into automation, drawing from his 15 years of experience in software and managed services. He addressed MSPs on creating “giant tracks” for AI and automation that will reshape their service delivery models. This shift in the industry landscape pushes MSPs to rethink how they deploy their teams and resources, making automation a necessity rather than an option.

One of the most intriguing elements was the introduction of the “Automation Nirvana” concept, delivered by Tony Thomas. Drawing from mythological roots—specifically Prometheus, the titan who gifted fire to humanity—Thomas likened automation to a modern “Promethean gift” that unlocks untapped potential for MSPs and their clients.

Day 2 Highlights: Innovating for the Future

The second day featured the much-anticipated Hackathon led by Michael Zornow, where MSPs put their knowledge into practice. Teams were presented with real-world automation challenges, and their goal was to create functional solutions using tools like RPA and custom automation bots. This hands-on lab gave MSPs a unique opportunity to collaborate, learn, and create viable automation strategies they could immediately implement in their businesses.

The day’s sessions also tackled topics such as RPA Workflows, advanced features and custom functions, and the emerging role of hyperautomation in cybersecurity. These sessions reinforced that automation isn’t just about efficiency; it’s also about securing digital enterprises.

Industry Insights: Automation Influencers and Technologies

ConnectWise’s Automation Influencers presentation revealed key industry trends. IT operations managers lead the charge in driving automation adoption, representing 52% of the audience. Technicians followed at 21%, while business owners made up 11% of the event participants. This data reflects how automation influences every layer of an MSP’s operation, from tech teams to leadership.

The event also provided a deep dive into automation technologies, highlighting the following tools:

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): For automating manual, repetitive tasks.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): To synthesize human speech for chatbots and other AI-driven communication tools.
  • Machine Learning (ML): Enabling systems to learn and improve without explicit programming.
  • Intelligent Document Processing (IDP): Designed to turn unstructured data into usable formats.

The blend of these technologies helps MSPs streamline operations, scale faster, and provide more value to clients.

Looking Ahead: IT Nation Connect 2024

For MSPs hungry for more, Automation Nation also served as a prelude to the upcoming IT Nation Connect 2024, scheduled for November 6 in Orlando, FL. Here, attendees will have the opportunity to dive even deeper into the world of IT and hyperautomation, building on what they learned in Tampa.

Final Thoughts: The Path to Automation Nirvana

Automation Nation delivered on its promise to be a game-changer for MSPs looking to stay ahead of the automation revolution. By adopting hyperautomation, MSPs are not only boosting operational efficiency but also setting the stage for long-term success. With hands-on labs, expert insights, and actionable solutions, ConnectWise continues to pave the way for automation nirvana in the MSP community. Mark your calendars for future opportunities to further immerse yourself in this ever-evolving field!

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