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MSP Remote Workforce

MSP Remote Workforce Survey Webinar

As the pandemic forces remote and virtual working, we want to know how MSPs are coping.  On April 28th, we hosted a webinar on our MSP Remote workforce survey.  We surveyed our +6,000 MSP community.

The webinar hosts:

  • Joe Pannone, Founder of ForzaDash: Connecting IT Vendors with MSPs since 2015,
  • Forza Technology Solutions, CWDash: The ConnectWise Business Intelligence
  • Dave Sobel, Host MSP Radio
  • Abby Hanson, Microsoft Teams and Secure Collaboration Expert, Ingram Micro Cloud

You may be interested in the results. As a result, we published the results of the survey in the webinar here.

Some of the questions in the survey:

  • How would you rank a positive impact on all the staff in your MSP?
  • Do you believe the staff at your MSP can get more work done when working remotely?
  • How would you rank the MSP benefits of working remotely?

Who has been invited to this webinar?

  • MSPs: we invited CWDash users and others
  • IT Vendors: we invited some of our sponsors as well as other known vendors

Remote Working and MSP Survey Invite

As the Coronavirus forces remote and virtual working, we want to know how MSPs are coping with this. We hosted a workshop with the results in hopes that will help other MSPs.

The survey has 9 questions:

#9. How would you rank the MSP challenges of working remotely?

#8. How would you rank the MSP benefits of doing remote work?

#7. What would you give up to work remotely?

#6. How would you rank a positive impact on all the staff in your MSP?

#5. Do you believe the staff at your MSP can get more work done when working remotely?

#4. How often do you have contact with your direct supervisor?

#3. How often would you like to have contact with your direct supervisor?

#2. Are you happy when you receive feedback?

#1. Have you experienced a work-related problem because you weren\’t in the same place as your team?

Abby Hansen from Ingram Micro, Microsoft Teams unit discussed enabling remote workforce.

Microsoft provided an overview of topics that most immediately help our customers enable their workforce to work from home:

  • Meetings, collaboration, virtual events, & productivity with Teams & Office
  • Secure remote access  (Identity & access, endpoint management)
  • Desktop virtualization with Windows Virtual Desktop

Enabling remote work, a message from Microsoft on the COVID-19

With COVID-19 impacting people around the world, organizations everywhere are pivoting to remote work and putting the safety of their employees, customers, and communities first.

Microsoft is committed as a company to making public health our first priority and doing what we can to address the economic and societal impact of COVID-19.

In addition, we recognize the vital role that our technology plays in supporting people and organizations each day, today, and in the long term. As such, we’ve put together initial guidance to help you enable remote work, so your employees have access to the tools, resources, and expertise they need in this challenging time.

All in all, your Microsoft account team is here to support you with any help you may need with your remote work.

Remote working, why do we care?

  • The commute is the big benefit
  • Supervisor feedback both “want” and “provided” are in alignment.
  •  70% think their staff gets more done remotely.
  •  Life goals are not much on the radar. 37% at the bottom.
  • No one will give up direct $$$ compensation. Remember this for hiring.
  • 43% have experienced a problem due to not being in the same place.
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