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Does Big Channel Help – Maximizing Partner Programs

One of the essential questions for partners is the value of their membership in an organization. For instance, how can being a member of Partner Programs help you in your business growth? Moreover, does a big channel help other partners? Dede Haas, Channel Sales Strategist of DLH Services interviewed two CEOs.

Notably, the top leaders who shared their valuable professional insights are Tom Lambotte and Stephen Monk. Lambotte is the CEO of GlobalMacIT while Monk is from Noverus Innovations, Inc. They discussed the value of having big companies as members of the Partner Programs. More importantly, they explored how their membership can boost the businesses of other partner members.

Does Big Channel Help?

First, affiliation and connection with successful channel companies have some perks for members. Affiliation creates, maintains, and grows your network or connection. Furthermore, it reflects how credible you are as a key player in the industry. Affiliating with huge names in the business also opens opportunities, which are not accessible otherwise.

Second, association with known channel partners increases your credibility, especially with direct endorsement. Others will see you as a viable prospect in the business. It will make them more predisposed to opening and developing a working relationship. Referencing your partnership with big companies gives your customers that sense of comfort. Your partnership status reassures them that you will take care of their needs.

Do Partner Programs Help Win New Deals

Partner Programs are great venues where you can win new deals. However, you have to give it your 100% to develop the relationship. Promote and publish content and solutions of reliable channel partners. Genuine endorsement means you really believe in the key channel partners that you promote.

Create a strategic by-product promotion with these partners buying into your value a program member. Stand out above the rest so that partners will also endorse you to their market or clientele.

However, take note that some programs do not help partners win new deals. This is true with those that only prioritize their larger counterparts. In this scenario, smaller partners do not really benefit from the food chain. There is little to almost no possibility to benefit and win new deals. Smaller businesses do not get money, references, or leads. This is quite true in programs that only focus on larger partners and ignore the rest.

The two executives are members of the partner program The ASCII Group. It is an organization with 1,300 members from North American VARS, MSPs, and solutions providers. Specifically, they provide services to help their members grow and reach their business goals for success. As a result, the community provides extensive peer interaction to make this possible. They also offer innovative programs for business building and turnkey cost-cutting strategies.

Final Thought

In summary, it is indeed a great opportunity to be a member of Partner Programs with good affiliations. Does the big channel help? Absolutely! Affiliation with big names boosts your credibility. It also gives you numerous privileges that will expand your opportunities for business growth. Maximize the value of your partnership and affiliation with these huge channel partners and reap its rewards!

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