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Converting Hand-Raises to Partners

Converting Hand-Raises to Partners – How Sponsors Turn Prospects to Partners – Part 2

The MSP ecosystem is a promising yet overly competitive one thus, sponsors need market qualified leads (MQL). On top of MQLs, one of the top priorities of sponsors is converting hand-raises to partners. How do you use this valuable asset and maximize its full potentials to your advantage?

  • Learn what the common complaints of sponsors regarding market qualified leads are and what solutions are available.
  • Define a Drip Campaign in terms of converting hand raises to sales, which is the second part of MQL conversion.
  • Detail on the different tools and strategies of steady processes for conveying/dripping your message to prospects.

MQL – An Overview

Market qualified leads are those who showed legitimate and highly potential interest or curiosity in your business solutions. IT vendors or sponsors need to have MQLs especially in a changing and growing MSP landscape. How do you get these resources?

ForzaDash, a trusted MSP community with thousands of members and MSP prospects provides MQL or hand-raises to sponsors. How?

In acquiring market qualified leads, the sponsor must first provide the marketing assets. These digital assets should be something that the potential MSP client will be interested in or benefit from. The assets are then placed on the ad campaigns or streamers of ForzaDash, where MSPs can see and click.

The sponsor receives the hand-raise, which is where the responsibility of ForzaDash ends. Converting hand-raises to partners is now the responsibility of the sponsor as they take the next steps. These steps would include setting up an appointment with the MSP, getting a referral, presentation, and handling objections.

What Happens in Between

Market qualified leads work, provided that the sponsor knows how to handle, use, and maximize their resource. However, there can be problems along the way. These problems may highly affect the outcome of the campaign and the value of the MQL. It would be such a waste not to use a promising and potentially lucrative hand-raise from a trusted source.

Common Complaints in Converting Hand-Raises to Partners

It may be quite disappointing for sponsors to finally get the MQL but without their desired results. Before concluding that your hand-raises are useless and a waste of time and money, take note of the following complaints:

The Hand-Raise is Incomplete

Sponsors should look at any market qualified leads in context because it does matter a whole lot. Make a thorough and contextual assessment of the MQL handed to you before you complain about it being incomplete. Avoid guessing games in using your hand-raises because a concrete strategy requires a better understanding of your leads.

The Hand-Raise is Confusing

You cannot take a shortcut in converting hand-raises to partners if you are primarily confused about it. How can you properly and effectively use MQLs if you don’t know-how, in the first place? The solution to this is quite simple. Define your hand-raises by identifying your ideal target market. Provide ForzaDash with accurate marketing assets so that they can come up with better quality leads. After all, prospecting is proven to be the most challenging part of this entire process.

The Hand-Raise is Ineffective

The sponsor is responsible for the outcome of the MQL based on how the asset is being used and maximized. Thus, if you think that it yields no results, there could be something wrong in between. You may not be using the hand-raise the right way or to its full potentials.

3 Fundamental Solutions to Effectively Use MQLs

  1. Preparing for Engagement. This step includes using sites such as LinkedIn to engage your potential MSP clients. Sponsors may also review and optimize their social media, blogs, websites, and other online platforms.
  2. Dripping your Message. The next step is a steady and consistent process called “dripping” your message. Your main target in conveying your message is your MSP prospects, using different platforms. Some of the common and proven dripping campaign tools include social media, blogs, and newsletters.
  3. Boosting Sales and Revenue. Sponsors win in converting hand-raises to partners by increasing sales efficiency. Moreover, the main goal is to ensure the growth of the sponsor’s revenue. How do you do this? There are different ways on how to improve sales and revenues with the use of market qualified leads. You can employ a phone call campaign as well as an email automation workflow.

What is a Drip Campaign

You cannot waste valuable MQLs by not following up on those leads. Your prospective MSPs have already raised their hands and expressed their intent in acquiring your asset. However, there can be a great void between getting the MQL and converting hand-raises to partners. This is where drip campaigns are necessary and called for.

A drip campaign is an Internet-based marketing strategy where sponsors “drip” their asset or information to their MSP prospects. As an efficient and effective technique, it aims to build and nurture customer relationships. The main outcome is delivering better and more qualified leads as given to the sales team. Moreover, it ensures the continuance of the relationship between the sponsor and the MSP client.

Tools and Strategies for an Effective Dripping Campaign

Converting hand-raises to partners is a tedious and daunting task especially for sponsors. ForzaDash will provide you the market qualified leads but that is all it can do. It is your responsibility to make use of it and maximize its full potentials for your business growth.

Drip campaigns refer to the systematic approach to move MQLs through what is considered a marketing funnel. Your target is to make your message flow to your target clients or MSP prospects using MQL. This is a crucial step for the conversion of hand-raises to MSP partners.

So, what exactly are the effective tools or strategies for your dripping campaign? How do you use these techniques to maximize the results of your campaign using your marketing qualified leads

Personalize Your Message

Sponsors are converting hand-raises to partners effectively with the use of different platforms. This may include social media, blogs, emails, and newsletters, all to “drip” or disseminate their asset. However, it is not enough that you send them your message but you have to make sure they go through. How?

Personalize your message by avoiding generic terms or sending them from a specific email address of your sales team. Your content must be customized based on your recipient. This will build rapport and make your prospect more comfortable in engaging with you.

Moderate your CTA

Drip campaign emails are effective if you use a relevant and strong call-to-action. However, one of the common mistakes of sponsors is using too many CTAs in their content. The right amount of CTA will lead your MSP client to the appropriate channels or materials. On the other hand, too many CTAs can be confusing and ineffective, causing you potential clients.

Provide Relevant Links

Your marketing content whether in social media or email should always have relevant and working links. Drip campaign emails help in converting hand-raises to partners because they can reach the right targets. However, your content must have a clickable and working link where MSP prospects can be directed to you. Some of the effective links that you can integrate into your content are eBooks, whitepapers, blogs, infographics, and videos.

3 Types of Drip Campaign

There are three major varieties of drip marketing, which you can use to maximize your valuable MQL:

1. Educational Drips

This marketing technique offers information regarding your IT products, services, or solutions. It can be used to prepare your MQL and become actual customers or train your MSP prospects. Educational drip is quite different from a training drip, which aims to guide MSP prospects to your program.

2. Top-Of-Funnel Drips

This type of dripping campaign is introductory or general, which may initiate a dialogue between sponsors and prospects. You can also use this as an entry point in creating a sales funnel.

3. Re-engagement Drips

There are times that sponsors may make a huge mistake in misusing their valuable market qualified leads. This may result in customers becoming disengaged or losing their interest in your asset or product. The re-engagement dripping campaign is the answer to bringing them all back into the fold. It may include a promotional drip or offering special pricing or any promo for enticement.

Final Thoughts

Converting hand-raises to partners by using your market qualified leads the way they should be is your golden opportunity. The good news is that you can find an MSP community such as ForzaDash to help you get valuable MQLs. IT vendors and sponsors joining such a promising and growing MSP ecosystem knows this. You are on the right track as you expand your horizon and network of managed service providers.

Market qualified leads are only as good as you use and maximize them to the fullest. A drip campaign is one of the surefire ways of making sure that your MQLs do not go to waste. It allows a steady stream of MSP prospects flowing your way by establishing a solid sponsor-partner foundation. Join the ForzaDash community now and learn more about top-notch MQLs!

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