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Channel Program with Free Internal Service – Improving Better Partnerships

Reputable vendors do everything they can to maintain a healthy relationship with partners. Offering a channel program with free internal service is one of them. Although this is not a new channel offering, this concept proves to be quite effective. MSP partners have the opportunity to use the vendor’s service internally for free. From the MSP business point of view, vendors that “give it away” are on the right track. Why?

The partnership between vendors and their MSP partners get mutual benefits when the former “give it away.” MSPs get a first-hand experience of the product when they use the service internally. “Do you use this product/service that you are trying to sell to me?” Partners that find themselves in an awkward situation with prospects know this.

Benefits of Channel Program with Free Internal Service

A successful vendor-partner relationship should be mutually beneficial to both parties. So, why would MSPs use the vendor’s internal service if there is no incentive for them? Free access to the channel program’s internal service is a different story. Partners can use the internal service of the channel program for free and enjoy its benefits.

Vendors, on the other hand, can benefit long-term especially with the success of their partners. Take note that the more successful the MSP partner, the more successful the vendor will be. Hence, the mutually beneficial partnership between the two.

Why should vendors prioritize a channel offering to use their service internally, free of charge? Here are some of the top reasons or benefits from this arrangement:

Eat Your Dog Food

The practice of using the product that you sell or promote is an effective marketing strategy. It may act as some form of quality control, resulting in testimonial advertising. MSPs become more genuine and efficient in selling the vendor’s product or service. That’s because they are the actual user of what they sell. They can provide valid and reliable testimonies about the product or service.

Partners who believe in your product or service will advocate them. They can tell their prospects about how this product/service helped them. They share their own experience in using the service themselves.

Not for Resale (NFR)

In previous years, hardware vendors tend to “give away” their products to partners. MSPs use these products in house and they are for free. Nowadays, some still offer NFR products. However, they only have discounts, not for free. Nevertheless, most partners still use NFR hardware internally to this day.

Simple and Easy Channel Programs 

One of the most important things to consider is actually making your channel program easy and simple. For example, MSP partners appreciate it if the channel program does not give them a hard time. More importantly, they must be able to use and advocate it with genuine conviction and ease.

A channel program with free internal service is a remarkable gift for MSP partners from vendors. Easy and simple, this will be valuable to all parties involved. It can help the MSP, client, and you, the vendor. Thus, give it away and see the results!

Give it away give it away give it away now! (songwriters: Red Hot Chili Peppers)
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