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Channel Partners Conference & Expo Las Vegas 2024: 3 Things MSPs Should Know

This week, the Channel Partners Conference & Expo, held at the opulent Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, marked its most significant event of the year. A key highlight of this gathering is its dedicated focus during the first two days on Managed Service Providers (MSPs), offering invaluable insights and networking opportunities tailored to their unique market position.

Here are three pivotal takeaways from the event that MSPs should keep at the forefront of their strategic planning:

  1. The Future is Bright for Service Providers in the Channel Jay McBain, Chief Analyst at Canalys, kicked off the event with a riveting presentation titled “HOT DATA: CHANNEL OUTLOOK & OPPORTUNITIES”. McBain’s analysis shed light on the evolving landscape of service providers within the channel, highlighting a significant forecast: $548 billion is expected to be spent on tech in 2024. His insights underscore the vast opportunities awaiting MSPs, emphasizing the need for strategic positioning and adaptation to harness this potential growth. Connect with Jay McBain on LinkedIn to delve deeper into his insights: Jay McBain on LinkedIn.

  2. Evolving Compensation Practices for MSPs Peter Kujawa, VP & GM at Service Leadership Inc., a Connectwise Solution, delivered an enlightening presentation on “BEST-IN-CLASS COMPENSATION PRACTICES”. Through rigorous analysis and data, Kujawa presented the latest trends and benchmarks in compensation plans, offering MSPs a roadmap to designing competitive and effective compensation strategies to attract and retain top talent. His presentation is a testament to the importance of adopting best practices in compensation as a lever for business growth and sustainability. Learn more about Peter Kujawa’s work and insights by connecting with him on LinkedIn: Peter Kujawa on LinkedIn.

  3. The Coaching Café: A Goldmine for MSPs A standout feature of the event was the Coaching Café, orchestrated by ChannelWise. Kathryn Rose and her team set up a remarkable space where over 600 inquiries from attendees were addressed by high-level coaches. This initiative provided MSPs and vendors eager to collaborate with MSPs an unprecedented opportunity to seek guidance, share experiences, and explore collaborative potentials. The overwhelming response to the Coaching Café underscores the value of mentorship and direct interaction in navigating the complexities of the channel ecosystem. To explore the insights and services offered by Kathryn Rose and her team, connect with her on LinkedIn: Kathryn Rose on LinkedIn.

The Channel Partners Conference & Expo continues to be an essential nexus for MSPs looking to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry. The presentations and initiatives highlighted above represent just a fraction of the knowledge and networking opportunities available to MSPs committed to growth and excellence. For those looking to thrive in the tech channel, engaging with these insights and resources is a critical step forward.

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