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Top 5 Highlights from the CharTec Feb 2024 Academy Event – A Must-Attend for MSPs!

This week, from February 26th to 29th, I had the pleasure of attending the CharTec Academy event in Bakersfield, CA. It’s been over five years since my last visit, and I was eager to see the transformations that had taken place. Without a doubt, CharTec did not disappoint! The event was packed with insightful sessions, networking opportunities, and the unveiling of exclusive features for MSPs. Here’s a rundown of the key highlights that made this event unforgettable:

  1. The Transformation of CharTec

CharTec has seen remarkable changes and updates, making it more dynamic and engaging for MSPs. With a commitment to excellence, CharTec has partnered with great organizations like ARRC Technology to enhance their MSP ARRC and foster community involvement. The evolution of CharTec is a testament to their dedication to the MSP industry.

  1. Inspirational Opening Remarks by Alex Rogers

Alex Rogers, the visionary behind CharTec, delivered opening remarks that were both moving and motivational. His focus on fostering a positive, growth-minded mindset among MSPs, and emphasizing the importance of life-work balance, resonated deeply with the audience. Alex’s ability to inspire is a cornerstone of the CharTec Academy experience.

  1. The Return of Esteemed Colleagues

The event was made even more special with the return of influential figures such as Tony Bela and Dr. Monique Rogers. Their comeback to the organization after a long hiatus brought renewed energy and expertise, contributing significantly to the event’s success.

  1. Grand Opening of “The Library”

A highlight of the event was the grand opening of “The Library,” an exclusive space for premier CharTec members. This speakeasy-style room, adorned with important portraits, vintage books, and offering live music and exquisite food, provided a unique networking ambiance. Access required a special key, adding an element of exclusivity and intrigue.

  1. In-Depth Educational Sessions and Exceptional Speakers

One of the most valuable aspects of the CharTec Academy event was the range of educational sessions offered, led by industry experts and seasoned professionals. These sessions were designed not just to impart knowledge, but also to spark discussions, encourage questions, and facilitate real-world applications. Here’s a closer look at some of the speakers and their sessions that stood out:

Nick Points: A Passionate Advocate for MSP Growth

Nick Points, serving as Vice President and one of the event’s masters of ceremony, demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the MSP community. His sessions focused on empowering MSPs to grow their businesses and navigate the challenges of the tech industry with resilience and strategic insight. Nick’s enthusiasm for the MSP sector is contagious, inspiring attendees to pursue excellence and innovation in their services.

Justin Nusz: The Organizational Force Behind the Scenes

Justin Nusz has been instrumental in the success of the CharTec Academy events. His meticulous planning and coordination ensure that every aspect of the event runs smoothly, from the sessions to the networking opportunities. Justin’s dedication to creating a cohesive and engaging experience for all attendees is a testament to his commitment to the MSP community’s growth and development.

Dr. Monique Rogers: Mastering the Art of Negotiation

Dr. Monique Rogers delivered two sessions that were both enlightening and transformative, focusing on the elements of successful negotiation. With her extensive background in education and leadership, Dr. Rogers provided attendees with actionable strategies to improve their negotiation skills. Her ability to blend academic insight with practical applications captivated the audience, offering them tools to enhance their business relationships and outcomes.

Karen Guarino: Leveraging Sophos for MSP Success

Karen Guarino presented two masterful sessions on how Sophos’ solutions can empower MSPs to bolster their security offerings. In an era where cybersecurity threats are increasingly sophisticated, Karen’s insights into Sophos’ capabilities provided valuable perspectives on protecting clients’ digital assets. Her expertise in cybersecurity solutions and her ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner made her sessions a must-attend for MSPs looking to elevate their security services.

Adam Kerrigan: Avoiding Common Pitfalls in MSP Sales

Adam Kerrigan shared his wealth of experience in the MSP sector, focusing on “10 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your MSP.” Drawing from his personal journey of buying and selling MSPs, Adam’s session was filled with practical advice and real-world examples. His insights into the common pitfalls in MSP sales, along with strategies to avoid them, were invaluable for attendees considering the future of their businesses. Adam’s session underscored the importance of learning from experience and adapting strategies for successful MSP sales and transitions.

Final Thoughts on the Educational Sessions

The CharTec Academy event’s educational sessions were a testament to the commitment of CharTec and its partners to the continuous growth and success of the MSP community. Each speaker brought a unique perspective and set of experiences to their presentations, enriching the event’s content and providing attendees with a comprehensive learning experience. These sessions not only offered knowledge and insights but also sparked conversations that will continue to influence the MSP industry long after the event has concluded.

Engage and Grow

For MSPs looking to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry, engaging with the content and connections from the CharTec Academy event is a step towards achieving greater success and resilience. The insights gained from these sessions are tools that can help MSPs navigate the complexities of the tech landscape, enhance their offerings, and build stronger, more profitable businesses.

The CharTec Academy event was a phenomenal experience, filled with learning, networking, and growth opportunities for MSPs. The dedication of CharTec to the advancement of the MSP community is evident in the quality and depth of the sessions, the expertise of the speakers, and the unique features like “The Library.” I left the event feeling inspired and more connected to the MSP community. If you’re interested in gaining insights from the sessions or want to discuss the event further, feel free to reach out to me.


  • #CharTecAcademy
  • #MSPGrowth
  • #NetworkingOpportunities
  • #LifeWorkBalance
  • #MSPSuccess
  • #MSP
  • #MSPs

Remember, the CharTec Academy is more than just an event; it’s a community where MSPs can thrive and grow together. Until next time, let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the MSP industry!

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