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5 Key MSP Insights from the PitchIT Finalists at IT Nation Connect

The IT Nation Connect event is a hallmark of innovation in the managed service provider (MSP) ecosystem, and the annual PitchIT competition is its crown jewel. This year’s finalists—PC Powersave, Senteon Cybersecurity, and SeedPod Cyber—are set to pitch their groundbreaking solutions live on stage, each vying for a share of the $100K prize. As these trailblazing vendors prepare for their moment, the MSP community can learn from their journey to the top. Here are five key takeaways MSPs can apply to drive their own success from the 2024 PitchIT finalists.

1. Innovation is Key to Standing Out

The PitchIT competition highlights the importance of innovation within the MSP space. Each of the three finalists—PC Powersave, Senteon Cybersecurity, and SeedPod Cyber—showcased groundbreaking solutions that addressed critical industry challenges. As MSPs, staying ahead in this competitive landscape means constantly innovating your services, whether through new technology, enhanced security, or more efficient processes.

Takeaway: Continuously look for ways to innovate your services to provide cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of your clients.

2. Coaching and Mentorship Can Accelerate Growth

The finalists underwent a 16-week program filled with business development training, mentorship coaching, and co-marketing efforts. The value of learning from experienced mentors and coaches cannot be overstated. For MSPs, seeking mentorship or participating in industry programs can fast-track your business growth by helping you avoid common pitfalls and capitalize on opportunities.

Takeaway: Leverage coaching and mentorship opportunities to refine your business strategy and accelerate growth.

3. A Solid Go-to-Market Strategy is Essential

One of the critical evaluation criteria for the PitchIT finalists was their go-to-market strategy. Having a clear, well-executed plan for introducing your solutions to the market is essential for success. Whether you are rolling out a new service or expanding into new verticals, a structured approach is necessary to ensure visibility, credibility, and growth.

Takeaway: Develop a robust go-to-market strategy to ensure your services reach the right audience effectively.

4. Community Engagement Fosters Success

The IT Nation community emphasizes collaboration and engagement. The finalists actively engaged with the MSP community at every stage of the competition, receiving valuable feedback and fine-tuning their solutions based on input from peers. Similarly, MSPs can benefit from participating in industry events, forums, and groups to stay informed, gain insights, and collaborate with other professionals.

Takeaway: Engage with your industry community to stay ahead of trends, gather feedback, and build partnerships that drive success.

5. Visibility and Credibility are Accelerators for Growth

As highlighted by Brian Doyle, CEO of vCIO Toolbox and a PitchIT finalist from 2023, the program helped his business gain visibility and credibility, which in turn accelerated growth. For MSPs, visibility within the industry and among potential clients is crucial for success. Participation in competitions, thought leadership opportunities, and showcasing success stories can significantly boost your business.

Takeaway: Focus on building visibility and credibility in your market to attract new clients and accelerate growth.


These five insights from the PitchIT finalists at IT Nation Connect can serve as valuable lessons for MSPs looking to stay competitive and drive growth in an ever-evolving industry. Whether through innovation, community engagement, or building a strong market presence, the path to success lies in continually evolving and learning from the best.

For more information on IT Nation Connect and the PitchIT Accelerator Program, visit:


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