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5 Key Insights from My Conversation with Bobby Jacobs That Can Elevate MSPs

In a recent episode of the Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Bobby Jacobs, a forward-thinking leader in the MSP space. Bobby shared invaluable insights on how MSPs can improve their service offerings and deliver exceptional client experiences. His unique perspectives, especially around communication, customer service, and security, are incredibly relevant for MSPs striving to elevate their business in a competitive market. Here are five key takeaways from our conversation that can help MSPs achieve greater success.

1. The End of Ticket-Based Support

Bobby’s bold statement, “Death to the ticket,” encapsulates his vision for transforming how MSPs deliver support. Traditional ticketing systems can feel impersonal and frustrate clients. Instead, Bobby advocates for more human-centered service approaches, focusing on direct communication and relationships. MSPs should consider shifting away from rigid ticketing systems to more dynamic methods that create a sense of partnership and trust with clients.

2. Leverage Secure Communication Tools

Security is a top concern for MSPs, and Bobby emphasized the importance of secure communication. He pointed out that tools like Microsoft Teams and Slack offer higher security levels for internal communication, as they authenticate users. He suggested that MSPs should prioritize these platforms to ensure secure and trustworthy client interactions. Secure communication helps build client confidence, reducing the risk of impersonation attacks and other security breaches.

3. Rethink Client Satisfaction Metrics

Bobby challenges the notion that high CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) scores alone are a reliable measure of service quality. While many MSPs boast about high satisfaction rates, many still lose clients due to poor service experiences. He highlighted the need for MSPs to dig deeper into their service delivery methods and find out what clients truly value beyond survey scores. By focusing on client needs and expectations, MSPs can prevent churn and create lasting relationships.

4. Foster Thought Leadership, Not Just Sales Pitches

MSPs are inundated with products and services from vendors, but Bobby stresses the importance of real thought leadership over aggressive sales tactics. He encourages vendors and MSPs alike to focus on providing valuable insights and experiences, rather than simply pushing products. By cultivating relationships and sharing knowledge about industry best practices, MSPs can position themselves as trusted advisors and leaders in their field.

5. Peer Groups Are Vital for MSP Growth

Bobby emphasized the significance of peer groups in the MSP community. Peer groups allow MSPs to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and navigate common challenges together. Vendors also gain insights from these groups, as they engage with MSPs and learn more about their unique needs. MSPs should actively participate in these groups to stay ahead of industry trends and collaborate with others for mutual success.

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Bobby Jacobs’ insights provide a fresh perspective on how MSPs can enhance their services and build stronger relationships with clients. From rethinking customer satisfaction metrics to fostering thought leadership and securing communication, these lessons are essential for MSPs aiming to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. By applying these strategies, MSPs can deliver more personalized, secure, and efficient services, ultimately positioning themselves as indispensable partners to their clients.

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