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3 Key Insights from the Channel Futures Leadership Summit in Miami November 1-2 2023

This week, I was invited to attend the Channel Futures Leadership event in Miami, an experience that was both enlightening and thought-provoking. While my time was primarily dedicated to participating in the Coaching Café alongside Kathryn Rose, Founder and CEO of ChannelWise, the interactions and observations I made there were invaluable. Here are three significant insights I gained from this event:


  1. The Blurring Lines Between MSP and Telco

As a former Managed Service Provider (MSP), I’ve always viewed the IT outsourcing landscape through a particular lens, one distinctly different from that of telecommunications companies. However, at the event, the dialogue with various telco advocates opened my eyes to a contrasting perspective. These advocates are of the belief that the future of MSPs will be significantly influenced, if not dominated, by Telco. This view, however, is something I find myself disagreeing with.

From my perspective, the MSP community continues to receive robust investment – running into billions of dollars. This not only demonstrates the industry’s vitality but also its distinct identity and growth trajectory separate from the Telco sector. The Telco industry undoubtedly plays a crucial role in the digital ecosystem, but equating its influence over MSPs might be an overstatement. The technological and operational nuances between MSPs and Telcos suggest that while there may be overlaps, each will continue to carve its unique path in the tech landscape.  The greatest evidence is the billions of dollars being poured in the MSP market.


  1. Selective MSP Attendance at Events

Another striking observation was the low MSP attendance at the event. In today’s scenario, where the market is flooded with various industry events, MSPs have become increasingly selective about the ones they choose to participate in. This selective attendance is a reflection of a broader trend where MSPs are prioritizing quality over quantity when it comes to engaging in industry gatherings.

This trend poses both challenges and opportunities. For event organizers and participants, understanding the factors that influence MSPs’ decisions to attend certain events over others is crucial. It’s not just about the size or the spectacle but about the value, relevance, and ROI these events promise to deliver to their MSP attendees. This shift calls for a more strategic approach in event planning and execution, focusing on delivering targeted, high-value experiences.


  1. Vendor Budget Constraints Due to Low MSP Attendance

Finally, a critical concern echoed by vendors at the event was the direct impact of this selective MSP attendance on their budgets and the return on investment (ROI) of such events. As a result of fewer MSPs attending, vendors are finding it increasingly challenging to justify the high costs associated with event sponsorships and participation.

This situation is a wake-up call for the industry. Vendors, organizers, and MSPs need to engage in more collaborative dialogue to find a middle ground. There’s a need for events that not only cater to the interests and needs of MSPs but also provide tangible benefits for vendors. This could mean more focused networking opportunities, tailored content, or innovative platforms for collaboration.


The Channel Futures event in Miami was more than just a gathering of industry professionals; it was a mirror reflecting the current state and challenges within the MSP and Telco sectors. As we move forward, it’s essential for these insights to be the basis for constructive conversations and strategic planning within the industry, ensuring a future that’s beneficial for all stakeholders involved.

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