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10 Things Vendors Do that Drive MSPs Crazy – Top Industry Secrets Revealed

Vendors are wondering what their channel partners think about them and their channel program. On the other hand, MSP partners are also wondering if their peers in the industry feel the same way regarding most vendors. Know the things that vendors do that drive MSPs crazy and avoid them at all costs.

Top 10 Things Vendors Do that Drive MSPs Crazy

1. Lack of Communication

Some vendors act like information can easily travel and arrive at their destination just like that. Partners expressed their biggest frustration with vendors in terms of keeping constantly open communication lines. It is important that vendors share information including their success stories with their partners. Their success reflects that of their partner after all.

2. Overwhelming Rules

Some vendors just have too many rules, extensive or over-complicated certification, and other requirements. MSPs feel like staying compliant with these requirements is becoming like a full-time job. Vendors should provide their partners with a portal to manage and easily determine such extensive requirements.

3. Lack of Partnership

There is a need for channel vendors to have a team perspective in their relationship with MSPs. They should have a flexible and open partnership agreement. While some vendors are doing a good job, others are miserably failing in this aspect.

4. Pressure in the Relationship

Some vendors are muscling in on their partnership with MSPs such as requiring them to provide the names and contact information of their clients as part of the vendor’s program/system development. Partners feel like they are being bypassed in the relationship that they build and established with their clients in exchange for their products or services. This turns partners off leading them to find a new vendor.

5. Outright Cheating

For instance, it is only right that you bring the partner with you if you are meeting or calling a customer that the partner brought to you in the first place.

6. No Appreciation

Software vendors, at times, do not give recognition to what small service partners bring to the table particularly in providing focused expertise that leads to winning contract awards and long-term customer services.

7. Unresponsiveness

With regard to this, the main problem with some vendors is the absence of high-level technical support. After all, responsive technical support should always be accessed by partners so it does not result in the latter going through the tiresome ticketing process to resolve an issue.

8. Constant Rep Changing

Channel representatives are inconsistent and constantly changing. This prompts partners to rather call a general number. This forces them to figure out for themselves who they need to talk to when they need something.

9. Absence of Trust

It is critical to have a true partnership where both parties trust each other. This is because they will be working together on opportunities and prospects when a customer is served or worked on.

10. Giving False Impression

Lastly, what drives some MSP channels crazy is when vendors would assure them that there will be no interference between the direct sales team and the channel sales team because partners know better.

In summary, optimizing your channel takes more than revolutionary technologies and products. You need to establish a good relationship with your MSP starting with avoiding the things vendors do that drive MSPs crazy.

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