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ForzaDash 2023 Channel Leaders: Sunny Kaila

IT By Design (ITBD) Overview:

IT By Design (ITBD) is a prominent player in the Managed Services Provider (MSP) industry, led by its CEO and Founder, Sunny Kaila. Established in 2003, ITBD has grown to become the largest privately owned Master Managed Services Provider in America, with a global presence spanning India, the Philippines, and the United States. The company employs 700 professionals and serves small- and mid-sized businesses across various industries, generating an annual revenue of more than $10 million.


  • Channel Leader Executive First Name: Sunny
  • Channel Leader Executive Last Name: Kaila
  • Channel Leader Executive Title: CEO & Founder
  • Current Role: CEO & Founder
  • Start Date: 4/1/2003
  • Years in the Channel: 20 years
  • Highest Ranking Channel Executive: Yes
  • Report To: Board of Directors

Leadership Biography: Sunny Kaila, the visionary CEO and Founder of ITBD, has played a pivotal role in establishing the company’s global presence and success. Under his leadership, ITBD has flourished into a multifaceted organization, employing hundreds of professionals and generating substantial annual revenue. Sunny’s commitment extends beyond the business realm; he founded the Sikh American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) in 2012, promoting education and entrepreneurship within the community. His achievements, both in the industry and as a humanitarian, have earned him numerous awards, including the 2013 Humanitarian Award from the Kidney Urology Foundation of America.

Core Services and Achievements: ITBD offers a diverse range of services and products through the channel, including MSP dedicated engineers, NOC services, Help desk services, SOC-Shield IT, Team GSP, RMM Admin, Professional services, and Build IT. While specific accomplishments and goals for 2023 are not provided, ITBD’s extensive service offerings and Sunny Kaila’s leadership have likely contributed to their success in the MSP channel.

Channel Challenges and Growth: The survey responses do not specify the largest channel challenge in 2023 or the expected channel growth for the year.

MDF and Channel Goals: The survey responses do not provide information on Marketing Development Funds (MDF) or specific channel goals for 2023.

Channel Leader Insights: The survey responses do not offer additional insights into Sunny Kaila’s leadership or the channel program’s unique characteristics.

MSP Engagement: While the survey responses do not specify what MSPs enjoy about the program, ITBD emphasizes the importance of MSPs, rating their significance as “10 – Extremely Important to us,” highlighting their commitment to the MSP channel.

Future Plans: The survey does not outline specific plans for if ITBD is selected as a ForzaDash Channel Leader in 2023.

In summary, IT By Design (ITBD), led by Sunny Kaila, is a major player in the MSP industry, with a rich history dating back to 2003 and a global presence. While the survey responses lack specific details on accomplishments, challenges, and goals, it is evident that ITBD offers a comprehensive suite of services through the channel. Sunny Kaila’s leadership and commitment to community initiatives have contributed to the company’s success, and their strong focus on the MSP channel underscores its importance in their strategy.

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