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ForzaDash 2023 Channel Leaders: Christine Ululati


GlassHive is a dynamic company that has made a significant impact in the channel industry since its founding in 2019. Under the leadership of Christine Ululati, Vice President of Vendor Partnerships, the company has rapidly gained recognition and is committed to simplifying and energizing sales and marketing for its partners.


  • Channel Leader Executive First Name: Christine
  • Channel Leader Executive Last Name: Ululati
  • Channel Leader Executive Title: VP of Vendor Partnerships
  • Current Role: VP of Vendor Partnerships
  • Start Date: 12/27/2022
  • Years in the Channel: 1
  • Highest Ranking Channel Executive: No
  • Report To: Giovanni Sanguily

Leadership Biography: Christine Ululati has a diverse background, originally hailing from Brooklyn, NY, and growing up in South Florida. She holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice with a specialization in Public Administration. Her career journey includes roles as a substance abuse and mental health counselor, as well as working in the Criminal Justice system. Christine transitioned to sales and marketing, embarking on a journey that led her to open her own direct sales/marketing firms in Texas and Alabama. She has a passion for building relationships and is thrilled to be part of GlassHive. Notably, Christine speaks three languages and holds a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, with three National Champion titles.

Core Services and Achievements: GlassHive is unique in that it sells to the channel rather than through it. Despite Christine’s relatively short tenure in the channel, she has achieved significant recognition, including being interviewed by CRN, speaking at XChange, and being nominated for Best New Solution.

Channel Challenges and Growth: One of GlassHive’s primary challenges in 2023 is raising awareness about its offerings. They aim to overcome this obstacle by expanding their partner network from the current 14,000 partners to an impressive 20,000 partners by the end of the year.

MDF and Channel Goals: While GlassHive does not provide specific details about Marketing Development Funds (MDF), their top channel goal for 2023 is clear: they are dedicated to simplifying and making sales and marketing enjoyable for their partners.

Partner-Centric Approach: GlassHive’s approach is centered around creating an appealing and user-friendly interface for their partners. The company emphasizes ease of use and a beautiful user interface (UI) to enhance the partner experience.

MSP Engagement: GlassHive actively engages with its partners through initiatives such as a specific MSP Advisory Board and regular MSP Focus Groups. The focus on creating a straightforward and enjoyable user experience is key to their engagement strategy.

MSP Importance: MSPs hold extreme importance in GlassHive’s channel program, with a 100% focus on MSPs. The company recognizes the pivotal role MSPs play in their ecosystem.

Future Plans: If selected as a ForzaDash Channel Leader in 2023, GlassHive plans to actively promote the award within the channel, further enhancing its visibility and credibility.

In summary, GlassHive, led by Christine Ululati, is a company dedicated to simplifying and revitalizing the sales and marketing experience for its partners. Despite its relatively short history, GlassHive has garnered recognition and is on a trajectory for significant growth. Their commitment to user-friendly solutions and engagement with MSPs makes them a noteworthy player in the channel landscape.

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