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ForzaDash 2023 Channel Leaders: Brian Laufer

QuoteWerks Overview:

QuoteWerks, founded in 1993, is a company dedicated to providing tools and solutions to help business owners and sales professionals succeed in their endeavors. Brian Laufer, serving as the Vice President of Business Development, plays a pivotal role in the company’s channel efforts, ensuring that the QuoteWerks Community has the necessary tools and integrations to achieve their business goals.


  • Channel Leader Executive First Name: Brian
  • Channel Leader Executive Last Name: Laufer
  • Channel Leader Executive Title: Vice President
  • Current Role: Business Development
  • Start Date: September 20, 2000
  • Years in the Channel: 25 years
  • Highest Ranking Channel Executive: Yes
  • Reports To: John Lewe, President

Leadership Biography: Brian Laufer’s background encompasses IT consulting, software development, and government contracting. He collaborates closely with the QuoteWerks Community, ensuring that business owners and sales professionals have access to the tools they need for success. Brian achieves this by educating the community and facilitating seamless integrations between distributors, CRMs, PSAs, QuoteWerks, QuoteValet, VendorRFQ, and other partners and solutions. His extensive experience includes working with Consultants, Integrators, MSPs, and VARs.

Core Services and Achievements: QuoteWerks primarily offers QuoteWerks, QuoteValet, and VendorRFQ as its top services/products sold through the channel.

Channel Accomplishments: QuoteWerks has achieved significant milestones, including the addition of Amazon Business as a vendor and enhancing integrations with ConnectWise, Autotask, and other PSAs.

Channel Challenges and Growth: A key challenge for QuoteWerks in 2023 is educating the channel.

Channel Growth Outlook: QuoteWerks anticipates a standard growth rate of 10-15% for its channel in 2023.

Marketing Development Funds (MDF): QuoteWerks does not utilize Marketing Development Funds (MDF).

Channel Goals: The primary channel goal for QuoteWerks in 2023 is to enhance the functionality and feature parity in QuoteWerks Web.

Channel Leader Insights: QuoteWerks’ features and integrations continually evolve based on feedback from the community.

MSP Engagement: MSPs appreciate QuoteWerks’ genuine approach, where they can easily reach out for pre-sales and post-sales support without the need to create a ticket.

MSP Advisory Board and Focus Groups: QuoteWerks currently does not have an MSP Advisory Board but has conducted MSP Focus Groups to gather insights and feedback.

MSP Importance: QuoteWerks highly values MSPs, rating them as extremely important (a rating of “9”) to its channel program.

Future Plans: If selected as a ForzaDash Channel Leader in 2023, QuoteWerks plans to promote the recognition at various events, through social media, press releases, blog content, and more.

In summary, QuoteWerks, led by Brian Laufer, is a company dedicated to empowering business owners and sales professionals with the tools they need for success. With a strong emphasis on community feedback and collaboration, QuoteWerks continually evolves its offerings to meet the needs of its users. In 2023, the company’s focus includes education and enhancing QuoteWerks Web functionality.

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