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5 MSP Takeaways from Delta’s IT Struggles During the Microsoft Outage

The recent IT outage that hit Delta Air Lines has sparked widespread discussion, not only because of the operational disruptions it caused but also due to the clash between Delta and tech giants Microsoft and CrowdStrike. As Delta faces legal claims and reputational damage, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can extract valuable lessons from this high-profile incident.

Here are five key takeaways for MSPs navigating the complex landscape of IT management and crisis resolution:

1. The Importance of Modern IT Infrastructure

Delta’s outdated IT systems were a significant factor in the prolonged recovery after the outage. MSPs should ensure their clients regularly update and modernize their IT infrastructure to prevent similar vulnerabilities. Legacy systems, though functional, can become significant liabilities during crises.

2. Crisis Management Preparedness

Delta’s delayed response and reluctance to accept assistance from Microsoft highlight the importance of having a robust crisis management plan. MSPs must develop and rehearse these plans with their clients, ensuring that all stakeholders know their roles during an IT emergency.

3. Vendor Relationship Management

The conflict between Delta and Microsoft underscores the importance of strong relationships with tech vendors. MSPs should foster open communication channels with their vendors and ensure that these partners are ready to assist during critical situations.

4. The Risks of Over-Reliance on a Single Vendor

Delta’s heavy reliance on Microsoft and CrowdStrike exacerbated its recovery challenges. MSPs should advise their clients to diversify their technology stack and avoid putting all their eggs in one basket. A multi-vendor approach can mitigate the risk of widespread disruptions.

5. Transparency and Accountability in Crisis Response

Delta’s struggle with transparency during the crisis damaged its reputation. MSPs must encourage their clients to maintain clear communication with customers and stakeholders during any IT disruptions, owning up to issues and providing regular updates on recovery efforts.


The Delta-Microsoft debacle serves as a stark reminder of the critical role that up-to-date IT systems and effective crisis management play in today’s business environment. For MSPs, these lessons are invaluable in guiding clients toward more resilient and agile IT strategies. By learning from Delta’s experience, MSPs can better prepare their clients to face similar challenges, ensuring that they emerge stronger and more capable of handling the unexpected.


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