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Channel Only Vendors – Top Reasons to Work With Them

Channels are businesses that offer technology services and consulting directly to clients. The previous years have been unkind and challenging for most channels because of several factors. These include the rise of new technologies such as the Cloud, Shadow IT, BYOD, and Self-Service systems, for instance. Consequently, the channel only vendors have to face several tests in the establishment.

Why Work with Channel Only Vendors

The emergence of new technologies that affected channel vendors resulted in many expressing their concerns. That’s because all these can either make or break the industry in the long run. Vendors come up with their own unique strategies in crafting several services and solutions so that they can cope up.

Vendors create strategic solutions and services for clients particularly some strategic advising, which can be very helpful. For instance, crucial advice is important because it helps figure out opportunities in every offer. Some vendors may challenge partners and others provide transparency in selling their services and products.

So, why exactly should you maintain your partnership with channel vendors?
  • Vendors that don’t sell directly do not have direct contact with clients. That’s because they will refer those who contact them to their partners.
  • More and more MSP partners prefer working with channel-only vendors because of their transparent system. For instance, they don’t make direct calls to clients or entertain their calls. Instead, all end-users need to go through their partners for their transaction concerns.
  • Reputable and trusted channel vendors go the extra mile for their partners because they aim for their success. The success of the MSP partner would also mean the success of the vendor. Which is why vendors help in any way they can such as educating your team. They take care of their partners by providing the extra help they need.
More Reasons to maintain such partnership
  • Channel partnering is important because vendors prioritize the need of their partners. Your team can skip some trivial tasks of answering the “fundamentals” and rather focus on the business.
  • Working with channel vendors means getting help in your advertising and sales efforts. This is in addition to helping you win deals if necessary and to boost your edge with the competition.
  • Established vendors will provide solutions for businesses and even boost their strategies for better ones. Channel-only vendors do not concern themselves with direct sales. That’s why they focus all their time and effort in helping partners give better services to clients.
  • One of the main goals of channel vendors is to keep providing new strategies and technologies to partners. Thus, they continuously come up with innovations for better services and solutions. Their mission is to make your business more efficient and successful in the process.
  • Some vendors will help you use their services internally for free or with discounted rates. Since partners use what they are selling, they become actual testimonies that the services really work.

Working with the channel only vendors provide numerous benefits for MSP partners because they are focused on solutions. Do you think this is the right choice for your business?

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